Sanctus Solutions


what we do.

We want to help you and/or your group become competent in theology and spiritual formation.

how we do it.

On a continent as complex and as diverse as Europe, we believe pre-packaged solutions in ministry are unlikely to help. For that reason, we look for tailored solutions for those who ask for help from us. To give an idea of what those solutions could be, here are some examples of what we do or have done:

  • Speak at your church or event

  • Teach a weekend seminar or a limited course

  • Design de novo a course or formational process for your group

  • Meet once or regularly with a leader or leaders

  • Lead a reading group or think tank

  • Join in-person meetings for encouragement and exploration

  • Design/lead a spiritual retreat

  • Write articles for a magazine/periodical/webpage

  • Design course curriculum for seminary or leadership training

  • Comprehensive consulting for a church or institution

  • Create video/audio resources on theology and spiritual formation

  • Film a documentary (depends on the project)

  • Write/edit a book (an option specifically for publishers)

  • Conduct ethnographic research (depends on the project)

If you already know how we can help, please write to us about that request.

Or, if you are unsure (we like that!), let’s schedule a time to talk, pray and ask together what’s next.


who does it.

We want to find the best solution for your context and group. Whether it is our director, Michael Stewart Robb, or another fellow from our Societas Pauli, we want to find the best person(s) to help you. Besides those listed on our webpage, we have contact with good people all over Europe and would be honored if we can put you in touch with the best person(s) to serve your need.

who pays for it.

Sanctus is a non-profit institute and we, therefore, want to offer these tailored solutions, as far as possible, for free. But depending on the work involved, it may be necessary to negotiate terms of payment or reimbursement for the Sanctus fellows involved. And these may exceed our legal possibilities as a registered non-profit.

Donors to Sanctus make it possible for us to take the hope of Jesus to places where a fair wage or reimbursement is not possible. Therefore, please join us by becoming a regular donor.